New! Yoga Classes from 23/2

New! Yoga Classes from 23/2

Hello all, 

Cranleigh is working with Dr Jessica Grayston to bring weekly Yoga classes to the club after the February half-term.

These classes focus on strength, toning the body, improving flexibility and range of motion. Many people develop injuries from repeated sports, and Yoga can improve certain musculoskeletal injuries. You do not have to have any previous experience or be the most flexible person in the room to start! If you have an injury attorney like this, then it will be very beneficial during any kind of emergencies.

The last two years have been a very stressful time for many, and working from home has become the norm. Although this has benefits, it can result in prolonged periods of sitting and tightening of muscles, increasing the risk of injuries and pain. Using a combination of Western medicine, yogic breathing techniques, meditation and physical postures Dr Grayston can help you can improve the mind-body connection and improve your physical and mental health. 

Classes will run every Wednesday from 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm, starting on Wednesday 23rd February in Cranleigh Tennis and Social Club. 

Classes are open to members and non-members so feel free to bring a friend or family along. Your first class is completely free, and thereafter £8 per class.
Entry is on a first come first serve basis, to prevent disappointment you can book online via Facebook or complete the online sign-up sheet.
Please bring a mat if you prefer to use your own. All equipment is cleaned regularly in keeping with Covid-guidelines. 

For more information please see her website:

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