New Coach has big plans for Cranleigh

New Coach has big plans for Cranleigh
Letter from the new head coach Grant Fellows introducing himself and about his plans for the club…Hi all,

Firstly I would like to introduce myself, I’m Grant Fellows the new head coach at Cranleigh Lawn Tennis and Social Club and I’m looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you all. I would like to provide as much as possible for the members so please let me know if you have any ideas for sessions you would like me to arrange.
I will be in touch about some fun competitons and also other opportunities for you to compete and practise.
There has been some interest in practise/drill sessions from various members. No matter what standard you are, if you would like to be challenged and put through your paces or would just like more opportunities meet more members and play different people please let me know. I’d run sessions for the beginner/intermediates and also sessions for more advanced players. I have coached some top junior players of 2.1 ratings and top 10 UK rankings so whatever your standard I have drills that are hard work to challenge you and improve your game.
Cardio tennis is now extrememly popular in the UK and a great way to have fun and improve your fitness. I will be starting sessions 6.30-7.30pm every Monday. £6 for members and £7 for non-members so please tell your friends. This is a great way to encourage people to start playing tennis as it’s not so much about the skills of the game but more about the work out. You can check out Cardio tennis here and text me to book your place on the class.
That’s it from me for now but keep an eye out for notices at the club and emails regarding tennis opportunities at Cranleigh LT&SC. Would be great to see you so please let me know if you can attend any of the sessions or put your name down on the notice boards.
Kind regards,
Grant Fellows
Head Coach
Cranleigh LT&SC

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